Strange but Good: Chocolatey Elvis Protein Shake

I have created a monster.

A monster in the sense that this thing is going to take over my mornings.
Yet, I have decided to wave the white flag.
I will fully allow this to happen.
It’s that good.

Once upon a time…okay, it was last Friday…I put sririacha in my protein shake. The subtle spice gave the shake a nice kick.

This week, I wanted a sweet & salty combo. (my fave combination of flavors)… Then, this happened.


I had extra in the fridge.. I couldn’t let it go to waste, right?

Before I go any further, a big thanks to Laura for being the QUEEN BEE of Strange but Good!

Since I have been upping my weight at CrossFit, I need to replenish my muscles after I work them into the ground. I have been trying to increase protein to feed, build, and repair them.

According to, “As you workout, the process of lifting weights and performing other exercises actually causes the muscles in your body to begin to break down. The muscle cells themselves tear and become damaged. The result is that your body moves in to repair those cells. When you provide your body with protein as it goes about repairing and rebuilding those muscles, it is then able to rebuild the cells slightly better and stronger than before.” Hence the reason I need and even CRAVE more protein. To do so, I have been trying to get a little creative…

So, I tapped into my “hunka-hunka burning love” energy and made this better than better shake.


I have seen the ice cream with it, heck, I once had a Bourbon Bacon milkshake! (Thanks to the Marina Kitchen in San Diego!)

I’ll stop blabbing.. Here’s the details:

Ya Need:
-1 cup almond milk
-1/2 cup cottage cheese
-1/2 banana
-1 scoop chocolate protein
-1 teaspoon vanilla
-2 T peanut flour
-6 pieces of ice
-1 t guar gum (optional*, for thickening)
-2 to 3 pieces of bacon (fat torn off)

1. Combine milk, cottage cheese, banana, protein, vanilla, and peanut flour in blender.
2. Blend together until smooth.
3. Add in ice and guar gum. Blend until smooth.. or you don’t hear the ice 🙂
4. Tear two bacon strips into pieces while blender is doing its thing.
5. Toss in bacon just to mix. (You want the salty chunks!)
6. Pour in a pint glass. Top with more bacon.
7. Place in freezer to chill.
8. Eat with a spoon. Like I always do. Or, in this case, the extra piece of bacon.


Here’s one more pic to make you drool. It’s major #foodporn.


xoxo, Haley

Question: What’s the strangest thing you have ever eaten???