Strange but Good: Strawberry Cheesecake Oats

I’ll be honest.  I am not a fan of cheesecake.  I don’t know if it is the actual flavor that I do not like… or the fact that chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate pie, or anything else chocolate steals the show for me.


One thing I do love though is oatmeal.

Most of the time there is apple cinnamon or brown sugar flavors.. BORING.  While in my laboratory (aka my kitchen), I decided to embrace the cheesecake.  Love the cheesecake.  Accept it for its creamy goodness…

I searched around amongst my tools (aka food in fridge) and came across some juicy strawberries and the creamiest of cheeses, Laughing Cow.  This combo in oatmeal deserves a #strangebutgood


I knew Laughing Cow would be the perfect addition to oatmeal.  It has the creamy taste of cheese without the extra calories!

Many thanks to Laura for the super fun STRANGE BUT GOOD linkup!

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