Strange But Good: Sriracha Dressing


Nowadays you can’t go to a blog and not find the spicy goodness that is called SRIRACHA.  I swear, this stuff is great on anything.

I use it for my stir-frys, my eggs, and not to mention… my salads.

Yes, I have used it as a salad dressing on more than one occasion.  That is why my featured salad is a STRANGE BUT GOOD.  (Head over to Sprint2theTable to see what Laura’s made up!!)


the spice is nice…

I am not sure if it is more strange to put sriracha on a salad… or cottage cheese.  This was one of those meals where cleaning out the refrigerator was more important than cooking up more chicken breasts…

Either way, it was GOOD.

Question: Anyone else put sriracha on a salad?  Or have my taste buds been burned off?

hot, hot, hot… xoxo, Haley

Fit Friday: Overhead Squats

Happy Fit Friday!

My day started at 5:30 when the alarm went off to get my butt to CrossFit.  I was a little bummed to see the WOD was all overhead squats.  I am so not a fan! It feels very unnatural to hold the bar over my head with my arms spread so far apart.  Oh well.. gotta #getafterit. Right?


Warm-Up / Skill:
Overhead squat positioning

Overhead Squat  (3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1)