Avocados: Ya Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em

Growing up, I despised avocados.  They were the one thing I would not eat (along with mayo and sour cream).

I’m not sure if it was because my mom wasn’t a fan, therefore I couldn’t like them.  Mom always knows best, right?


Over the holidays, The BF and I visited his mom in Atlanta.  Bless her because she is from Mexico and makes FABULOUS food.  Long story short, I tried guacamole.  I liked it.

I have been trying to incorporate more of the green nutrient-dense FRUIT into my diet.


Here are some reasons why:

1. Monosaturated fats: lower blood cholesterol

2. Vitamin K: needed for blood clotting

3. Folate: development of healthy cells and tissues

4. Potassium: acts like an electrolyte, needed for muscle building

5. Vitamin E: forms red blood cells, good for skin and hair

6. Lutein: keeps eyes healthy

7. Vitamin C: growth and repair of tissues

8. Vitamin B6: helps immune system make antibodies


SERIOUSLY???  Look what I have been missing out on all these years!!


You can bet you will see these puppies showing up VERY soon.. I forsee them in a #strangebutgood post on Friday!

Question: Love them or hate them!!?

xoxo, Haley