To Keep or Not to Keep…

Sometimes making a resolution and not keeping it can be a good thing.  The BF and I said we were not going to drink the month of January.  We were all gung-ho about it… until Sunday.  


We had some friends over to watch the football games with apps (you may remember my hummus and veggies plate from instagram)… Beer was flowing amongst them, but The BF and I were sipping water.


Eventually, The BF came up to me and asked if I was going to have a glass of wine… I was honest and said I had been thinking about.


I was going back and forth.  I wanted to keep my resolution but another part of me wanted to enjoy the company and relax.


So, wine I had…and had… and had… I woke up Monday morning feeling groggy and disappointed.  I was mad at myself for giving in and drinking.  Did I really NEED the drink?  No.  I should have just waited 12 more days.  I was a failure.


hey, it had a strawberry.. that’s healthy, right?


But then I started asking myself about the day.. Did I have fun? Did I relax and enjoy our company?  Yes, yes, and yes!


Is it that big of a deal that I didn’t make it the 31 days?  No!  I had to tell myself that life is short.  Life is meant to be lived.  I wanted to be a player not a spectator.


All-in-all, I am glad I had some wine.  I don’t think restricting myself from it was a good idea.  Yes, I wanted to be “clean” and not put the toxins in my body… but everything in moderation, right?? It is not as if I drink everyday; I like a glass or two once a week.


If I want a glass of wine or a beer, I am going to have it.. heck, if I want chocolate cake, I’m going to have it.. 


Not sticking to a resolution is not the end of world.  Enjoy your life–you only have one!



xoxo, Haley


Question: Have you ever not kept a resolution??